Due to the national strike by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, the mailing of FOODSAFE Certificates will be delayed or take longer than usual.
Thank you for your patience.
FOODSAFE is one of Canada's most utilized food safety training programs; consisting of three main courses: FOODSAFE Level 1, FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher, FOODSAFE Level 2 and MarketSafe. Our courses are developed using the expertise and guidance of the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), the Regional Health Authorities of British Columbia and key stakeholders from government, education and the restaurant and hospitality industry who all make up the FOODSAFE Steering Committee. We also work actively with stakeholders from across the country to align our programs with changing legislative training requirements to ensure that our programming meets the needs of most Canadian jurisdictions. Over one million people in Canada have taken a FOODSAFE course to date.
FOODSAFE is an initiative of the Province of British Columbia, under the purview of the Ministry of Advanced Education. The FOODSAFE Secretariat has been managed by Camosun College since 2003. For more information, please contact foodsafe@foodsafe.ca.