

Is a FOODSAFE certificate required for my job?

Refer to the BC Public Health Act: Food Premises Regulation on our Take a course page.

How will I receive my certificate?

FOODSAFE and MarketSafe certificates are issued by British Columbia's Regional Health Authorities.

ProcessSafe certificates are issued electronically and are received by e-mail after you have successfully completed the course.

How long will my certificate take to arrive?

If you haven't received your certificate 4-6 weeks after completing your course, contact the Health Authority responsible for issuing your certificate.

If you require immediate confirmation that you passed the FOODSAFE Level 1 exam before you receive your certificate, be sure to ask your instructor for a Temporary FOODSAFE Level 1 Certificate before you leave the class.

If you take the FOODSAFE Level 1 course online and pass the exam, you will be able to print your own Temporary certificate.

ProcessSafe Certificates are e-mailed within 48 hours of successful completion of the course.

Does my FOODSAFE certificate expire?

Certificate Expiration Date
FOODSAFE Level 1 or FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher 5 years after issued (date is indicated on your certificate)
FOODSAFE Level 2 No expiry date at present
MarketSafe No expiry date at present
ProcessSafe No expiry date at present

Why didn’t I receive my ProcessSafe certificate by e-mail?

Upon successful completion of the ProcessSafe course, your certificate will be automatically e-mailed to you within 48 hours. If you did not receive your certificate, it may be for one of the following reasons:

  1. Your e-mail address was entered incorrectly when you registered at Open School BC;
  2. firewalls set up on your individual computer or computer network may be prohibiting the e-mail from going into your inbox. We recommend you check your junk e-mail box to see if the e-mail was redirected. If not, please contact the FOODSAFE Secretariat.

I lost my certificate. Can I get a replacement?

For FOODSAFE Level 1, Level 2 or MarketSafe, you may request a replacement certificate by contacting any Health Authority office in the province.

For ProcessSafe electronic certificates, please contact the FOODSAFE Secretariat.

Who can I contact with questions about my certificate?

Each Regional Health Authority has a FOODSAFE contact specific to certificates. Select your region on the map below to view their contact information.

I took a different food safety training course (in BC or Canada).  Is my certificate equivalent to B.C.’s FOODSAFE Level 1?

The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) determines FOODSAFE Level 1 program equivalencies. For information on food safety training in BC, including a list of equivalencies, please visit

If a course is not on the BCCDC list, it is not considered equivalent. If you require further information on this matter, please contact the BCCDC as indicated on their webpage.


How do I register for a course?

Registration links are available from the individual course pages. See Take a course.

How do I pay for a course?

Payment options are explained on the course provider's registration page.

How long will my course take?

Classroom Online Correspondence
FOODSAFE Level 1 8 hours up to 20 days up to 6 months
Level 1 Refresher n/a up to 14 days n/a
FOODSAFE Level 2 12 hours (2 days) up to 28 days n/a
MarketSafe 6.5 hours up to 10 days n/a
ProcessSafe n/a up to 4 weeks n/a
Food Microbiology n/a up to 3 months n/a

How do I contact my course provider?

If you registered for a classroom course, contact information is available on the course search page. If you registered for an online course, contact Open School BC. If you registered for a correspondence course, contact go2HR.

Can I book multiple seats or schedule a group training for my employees/volunteers?

Yes, multiple seats in a course can be booked, or a group training scheduled, through the following methods:

  1. Take the course online through Open School BC – For Online courses please visit Open School BC for more information. If you wish to purchase a block of seats, call 1-888-883-4766.
  2. Take the course by distance through Go2HR – For Distance courses please visit Go2HR for more information. If you wish to purchase a block of seats, call 604-633-9787.
  3. Take an existing in-person class – For in-person courses, select Find a Course, choose your course name from the drop down menu and then city or health authority (note: if you can’t find any classes in your city, search by Health Authority). You may also want to contact one of these providers to see if they can provide you with a customized course for your students.
  4. Hire an instructor directly to teach your group – To directly hire an instructor, Select Find an Instructor, then choose the course name and either city or health authority. You will have a list of instructors who you can contact in your city or region.
  5. Contact your local college/university Continuing Education office or local community centre to see if they are willing to put up a FOODSAFE or MarketSafe course for your group (and others in the area).



Who do I submit my instructor application to?

Email your completed PDF application form to your local Health Authority's general FOODSAFE contact. Find the contact for your region.

How do I access FOODSAFE and MarketSafe instructor and student learning materials?

Participant and Instructor learning materials can be purchased from Crown Publications, King's Printer (KP) Additional resources are available to instructors through the Instructor Portal.

The exam was not included with my Instructor Kit, where can I get it?

Certified FOODSAFE instructors may request the exam(s) from the Regional Health Authority that issued their instructor certificates. General contact information for each Health Authority is available by selecting the appropriate region from the map below.

Instructors Outside of BC: Contact your local government agency responsible for food safety training in your province to request FOODSAFE exams.

I am a certified FOODSAFE (or MarketSafe) instructor. How can I add my name to the "Find a FOODSAFE instructor" list?

Contact the Health Authority that issued your instructor certification. They will provide you with basic instructor login. Once you receive login, please update your profile. If you already have an account on the system and are experiencing difficulty accessing the site, please contact the FOODSAFE Secretariat at for assistance.

How can I list my courses on the FOODSAFE website?

Provided you already have instructor access to the instructor portal, contact the FOODSAFE Secretariat to have access to this feature for your organization. If you do not have instructor status, please ensure that this is set up prior by your Health Authority prior to requesting assistance from the FOODSAFE Secretariat.

I no longer can access the password protected site. Why?

Accounts that are inactive for one or more years are automatically deactivated. Should you need your account reactivated, please contact

Does my instructor certificate expire?

Yes, all FOODSAFE instructor certificates have a five-year expiry date. To renew your instructor certification, contact your Health Authority.

Who to contact

There are FOODSAFE contacts in each of BC's Regional Health Authorities. Click on your region on the map below to view contact information for your Health Authority.

Fraser Health

General Foodsafe Contact

Island Health

Certificate & General FOODSAFE Contacts

Northern Health

General FOODSAFE Contact

Interior Health


  • 100 Mile House 250-395-7620
  • Kamloops 250-851-7340
    Toll Free: 1-855-744-6328 Option 1
  • Salmon Arm 250-833-4106
  • Williams Lake 250-302-5000
    Toll Free: 1-888-702-7771


  • Kelowna 250-469-7061
  • Penticton 250-770-5540
  • Vernon 250-549-5714


  • Cranbrook 250-420-2220
    Toll Free: 1-855-744-6328 Option 2
  • Invermere 250-342-2360
  • Nelson 250-505-7200
    Toll Free: 1-877-221-3388

Vancouver Coastal Health

Certificate Contacts

  • North Shore 604-983-6793
  • Vancouver 604-675-3800
  • Richmond 604-233-3147
  • Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton (Sea to Sky) 604-892-2293
  • Powell River 604-485-3310 ext 4524
  • Sunshine Coast 604-885-5164

General FOODSAFE Contacts

First Nations Health Authority

General FOODSAFE Contacts

Residents of Yukon should contact

sample image

Environmental Health Services – Health and Social Services,
Government of Yukon


What course do I take to recertify?

Individuals with a FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate issued in the Province of British Columbia can recertify by taking one of the following offerings:

Online FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course

Important: This course is only available to individuals with valid (non-expired) FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates. Individuals with expired certificates are required to take the full FOODSAFE Level 1 course online, in person or by distance/correspondence.

Passing Grade: 80%
Training Provider: Open School BC
Cost (excluding taxes): $55
Registration/course information available:
*Please see below the information you require at the time of registration.
Who do I contact if I experience difficulties? Open School BC. First, check out their FrequentlyAsked Questions page at: If you require additional assistance email

Online FOODSAFE Level 1 Course

Full day course that can be completed over 20 days.

Passing Grade: 70%
Training Provider: Open School BC
Cost (excluding taxes): $88
Registration/course information available:
Who do I contact if I experience difficulties? Open School BC. First, check out their Frequently Asked Questions page at: If you require additional assistance email

In-class FOODSAFE Level 1

Full day course

Passing Grade: 70%
Training Provider: Various certified instructors
Cost (excluding taxes): Varies – check individual providers
Registration/course information available:
Who do I contact if I experience difficulties? You can search the entire listing of course offerings, or use the search feature to select specific records. Once you have found a course that you are interested in, click on the course name to show the course provider, contact and registration information.

Unfortunately the FOODSAFE Secretariat cannot assist you with registration for these courses. You must contact the course provider directly.

If you are having difficulty finding any training in your region or need help finding an instructor for a group, please contact for additional assistance.

Distance/Correspondence FOODSAFE Level 1

Self-paced (students have up to 6 months to complete)

Passing Grade: 70%
Training Provider: go2HR
Cost (excluding taxes): $105, excluding shipping and handling ( special group pricing also available)
Registration/course information available:
If you require additional assistance contact 604-633-9787.

An approved course that has been deemed equivalent

For further information visit:

Can anyone take the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course?

Only individuals with valid (non-expired) FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates are allowed to register for this course. Once your certificate has expired you will be required to take the regular FOODSAFE Level 1 course in-person, online or by correspondence/distance.

What information do I need to register for the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher Course?

You need the personal identifier on your FOODSAFE certificate or wallet card (shown below):


foodsafe certificate

Wallet Card

foodsafe wallet-card

Or the following information for the individual which must match up exactly with the information in the FOODSAFE Registry:

First Name:
Last Name:
Birth Date:

I’m not able to register for the FOODSAFE Level 1 Refresher course. What do I do?

Only individuals with valid (non-expired) FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates are eligible for this course.

If you took a different food safety course (not FOODSAFE) you are not eligible for the Refresher, even if you certificate is valid.

If you are eligible but have lost your certificate you can contact your local Health Authority for assistance. Their contact information is available at:

I’m already registered in the FOODSAFE Level 1 Online Refresher course and having difficulty. What do I do?

The FOODSAFE Level 1 Online Refresher course is offered by Open School BC. If you are having difficulty you should consult their frequently asked questions (FAQ) page at or call their toll free customer service line at 1-888-883-4766

How long will it take for me to receive my new certificate?

It takes 2-3 weeks following completion of your course to receive your certificate from your Health Authority by mail.

I failed the Refresher Course. What do I do next?

For a detailed answer, visit the Open School BC’s FAQ sheet at